Contributed Papers
- M. Anderson, L. Bloom, U.Mueller & P.Pedler, Edith CowanUniversity, Australia
Graphics calculators: Some implications for course content andexamination
Abstract and full paper.
- Marina Bertaja, Department ofMathematics, University of Bologna, Italy
An interactive graphical system for cam motion synthesis.
Abstract and full paper.
- C. Cetinkaya, Wolfram Research, Inc.,USA, G. Keady, University of WesternAustralia, Australia& A. Triulzi, Universityof London, UK
Mathematica, Packs for Mechanical Engineers -- and the elastic torsion problem
Abstract and full paper.
- Mohan Chinnappan,Science and Mathematics Education Centre, Curtin University of Technology
Student Teachers' Understanding about the Use of a Computer SoftwareProgramme in the Representation and Teaching of Linear Functions
Abstract and full paper.
- Mohan Chinnappan, Science andMathematics Education Centre, Curtin University of Technology & Brian A.White, School of Mathematics andStatistics, Curtin University of Technology
Undergraduate students' analysis of problems within the MAPLE environment
Abstract and full paper.
- Jen-chung Chuan, Department ofMathematics, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan 300
Studying Synthetic Geometry with Technology.
Abstract and full paper.
- Ungsana Chundang, Department ofMathematics,King Mongkut 's Institute of Technology Thonburi, Thailand
Using CAS for the visualization of some basic concepts in calculus of severalvariables.
Abstract and full paper.
- Jean Cook, Glasgow Caledonian University,Scotland G4 0BA, UK
Basic Mathematical Skills: Are they important
Abstract and full paper.
- G. Fitz-Gerald & W. P. Healy, Department ofMathematics, RMITUniversity, Australia
Maple and the World-Wide Web at RMIT
Abstract and full paper.
- Eric Foxley, Colin Higgins, Edmund Burke &Cleveland Gibbon, Learning Technology Research, Computer Science Department,University of Nottingham, NOTTINGHAM NG7 2RD, UK & Abdullah Mohd Zin, Computer ScienceDepartment, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
The Ceilidh System: An Overview and some experiences of use
Abstract and full paper.
- Masami Isoda, Instituteof Education, Univertisy of Tsukuba
Connecting Mathematics with Machine Engineering and Art: Perspectives for Calculusand Geometry for All via Technology.
Abstract and full paper.
- Y. Jun, Department of ComputerEducation, Sunchon National University, Sunchon, Korea
Linear Kid: A mathematical software designed as a computer-based peer tutoringsystem.
Abstract and full paper.
- Gutnikov, V.A., Lifanov, I.K., Setuha, A.V.& Skotchenko, A.S., Azovskaya Street, 4, 68, Computer Science Department,113149, Moscow, Russia
Computer technology in mathematical researches on ecology
Abstract and full paper.
- B. Kissane, MurdochUniversity, Australia
Chance and data: New opportunities provided by the graphicscalculator
Abstract and full paper.
- M. Kawski, Arizona State University, USA
Computer Visualization and Vector Calculus
Abstract and full paper.
- J. Lewin, Kennesaw StateUniversity, USA
The Roles of Scientific WorkPlace and Scientific Notebook as An InstructionalTool in a Mathematics Curriculum
Abstract and full paper.
- Seu Kea Lua, Ngee AnnPolytechnic, Singapore & Wei-Chi Yang, Department ofMathematics, Radford University
Creating teaching and learning materials in Engineering Mathematics usingScientific WorkPlace with External Program Link to Maple
Abstract and full paper.
- Mohamed bin Othman & AbdulRahman binAbdullah, Department of Computer Science, University Pertanina Malaysia, 43400 UPMSerdang,selangor D.E. Malaysia
Multigrid Soultion with Rotated High-order Discretizations for Solving PoissonEquation
Abstract and full paper.
- M. Majewski, Department ofMathematics &Computer Science, PNG University of Technology, Papua New Guinea
Realistic Visualization of 3D and 4D Mathematical Objects
Abstract and full paper.
- Haruo Murakami, KonanUniversity, Japan
Mathematical Education in the Internet Era - Focussing on ``Learning byDiscovery'' and anExperiment at ICME8/TG4
Abstract and full paper.
- Dipendra C. Sengupta & Linda Hayden, Department ofMathematics/Computer Science, Elizabeth City State University, Elizabeth City, NC 27909,USA
An Undergraduate Research Project in Fractal/Chaos using Mathematica
Abstract and full paper.
- Jean-Claude Sogno, INRIA, 78153 Le ChesnayCedex, FRANCE
Visualizing the Behaviour of All-Integer Algorithms
Abstract and full paper.
- S. Tsuyuki, InternationalEducation SoftwareInc., Japan
Visualizing Concepts with Interactive Java Animation on Internet
Abstract and full paper.
- Cristina Varsavsky,Department of Mathematics, Monash University & Alistair Carr,School of Applied Science, Monash University
Designing an interactive electronic book for first year universitymathematics
Abstract and full paper.
- Wei-Chi Yang, Department ofMathematics, Radford University, USA
Encompassing Current Mathematical Software and Technology in Teaching andResearch
Abstract and full paper.
- Weinian Zhang, Xiaorong Hou & ZhenbingZeng, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, CICA, Academia Sinica, Chengdu610041, P.R. CHINA
Weak Centers for Reversible Cubic Systems
Abstract and full paper.